Defend Your Kingdom: Farm Invasions and Battle Mechanics Explained in BLOCKLORDS



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Defend Your Kingdom: Farm Invasions and Battle Mechanics Explained in BLOCKLORDS

We're thrilled to unveil a feature set to revolutionize your BLOCKLORDS farming experience. Brace yourself for waves of invasions, carefully calibrated to challenge but not overwhelm you. In this update, we’ll explore the ins and outs of this compelling new gameplay dimension.

We're confident that these farm invasion mechanics will inject a new level of excitement and strategic depth into your BLOCKLORDS journey. Gear up, plan your defenses, and best of luck on the battlefield!

Invasion Mechanics:

Trigger conditions such as game time, Status level, resource stock, and the number of squads you have will initiate waves of invasions on your farm. These aren’t random; they're tailored to your game status to offer a challenging yet manageable experience.

Once a wave is over, a cooldown timer ensures that the next wave won’t immediately follow, even if its trigger conditions are met. If you've managed to meet the triggers for multiple waves during a cooldown, they will occur in sequence once the cooldown period ends.

Meet the Enemies:

Prepare for invasions by Wolf Packs, Bears, and Marauder squads. Each enemy type comes with its unique behavior and attack patterns, ensuring you'll need to adopt varying defense strategies.

Reward or Consequence:

Successfully repelling invasions yields resources and item drops. Failure, however, comes with costs - you'll see squad injuries or deaths, resources depletion, and even building damage.

Building Health and Damage:

The enemies are not just after your squads; they’ll also attack your buildings. Buildings with diminishing health will exhibit visual cues like light or heavy smoke, helping you prioritize your defense and repair actions. Use the repair command to recover some building HP and put out fires that may be damaging your structures.

Conceptual Battle Scenarios:

Whether it's a bear attack from the forest or raiders appearing randomly on the map, expect unique battle scenarios. Enemy behavior can change dynamically based on their objective and the situation, so you'll need to adapt quickly to protect your assets.

Battle Calculations:

Your units' statistics, like Health Points (HP), Attack Power (ATK), and Defense (DEF), among others, will come into play. The position of units and enemies will impact these stats dynamically, making tactical positioning crucial.

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